Monday, December 7, 2009

My first Patch !!! :D

Well, long time no blogging,huh ?
The thing is I had no internet connection for the past 2 weeks due to some “heavy maintenance “ at my internet provider,which is supposed to be one of the best providers,namely vodafone :S :S

Today I am blogging about my first real contribution to the open source community :D …. despite the fact that I might have wrote the same title in a previous post title, this post is considers as my official release of the first open source contribution.
As part of the open source course I am enrolled in I had to work on fixing a sort of serious bug in the Thunderbird project. The bug that was assigned to us (Eng Mirna Ayman,Eng Muhammad Mostafa and myself) was about an enhancement. The enhancement was about opening draft messages from that appear in the search dialog in the respective editable mode (the current situation it opened in the viewable mode)

Our bug fixing process could was divided into three major releases:

release 0.1 : code exploration and to know where everything was,and what is the functionality of each class,and to identify the classes that we will work on in order to produce the desired solution.

Release 0.2: Some modification to the code and further code exploration is done. The code modification enabled us to have more confidence and getting acquainted to the TB environment.

Release 0.3: the Bug fix was finally produced and tested on many scenarios,a patch is also produced and submitted to the mozilla-TB community .

The results of our work are posted on the course community page :

And the patch could be viewed on bugzilla website:

The patch is not yet accepted,however we received the review for it and we are currently working on releasing patch 0.2 ;) .